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Fresh Ewedu (Jute) Vegetable Leaf Bunch

  • Ewedu is the vegetable that graces the plate of many solid dishes at a Yoruba (South West part of Nigeria) party. It is a green leafy edible vegetable which is often prepared into a delicious slimy soup. In English, it is known fully as Jute Mallow or Jew’s mallow, in Yoruba it is known as Ewedu while botanically, it is known as Cochorus Olitorus. Jute leaves are very rich in minerals, vitamins and anti-oxidants. It contains disease fighting and body enriching vitamins such as iron, phosphorus, calcium and sodium. It is also known to have skin beautifying effects as it increases production of collagen, keeping the skin firm and beautiful. The beauty effect of jute leaves have been appreciated since as far back as 30BC when it was used by Egyptian queens and princesses for beauty and anti-aging.

It is also a good source of fiber, which makes it helpful in weight management and also improves intestinal health and bowel movement.


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Fresh Ewedu (Jute) Vegetable Leaf Bunch

Weight 0.15 kg


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